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How long it takes to get a job in Europe
Our applicants are sitting in a bar in Poland and talking about how much time they spent to get a dream job in Europe.
First days in Europe
Our applicants are talking about their first days after arriving to Europe: meeting, dormitory, medical insurance
To Europe despite quarantine
Our applicants were arriving to Europe in 2020 despite COVID quarantine
How a factory in Europe looks like
This is a huge bakery production in East Czechia. A group of our bakers are working there since 2019.
A day in life of Artellect applicants in Prague
Last summer we invited our new arrivals in Czechia for a team gathering and went on a city tour. We walked the streets, shared a great lunch together, tasted local food and world famous Czech beer, took a boat trip. ⛵️???? Ms.Natalia, founder of Artellect, joined the group and invited few of our applicants who…
Gilbert talks about his success with Artellect
Gilbert is our applicant and have started his job in Poland in December 2018.
Ryan Hagos talks about Artellect
Watch our successful applicant Ryan talking about his experience with Artellect.
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